Magic 8 Ball

Production Time: 7 Working Days
288 $5.75 each
720 $5.50 each
1440 $5.25 each
2880 $5.00 each
These balls come pre-printed with an “8” and include a window with 20 possible answers to yes/no questions: Too Soon to Tell, Yes, NO, Ask Again, Definitely, Maybe, Don’t Do It, Sleep On It, Certainly, It’s a Go, Beware, Looks Unlikely, Not Sure, Ask Tomorrow, Looks Likely, Danger!, Go Slow, NOT Today, Proceed with Caution, Definitely Not

Normal Production Time
7 Working Days

Product Size
3.25” DIA

Additional Information
Pad Printing: $60/v setup (re-setup $30/v). For each addtl color/side print, add $60/v plus $0.35/v run (2 colors/sides max)

Less than minimum: Imprint $50/v (min 150pcs), Blank $20/v (min 150pcs)

Art Charges: PMS Match $40/v (per color), Re-Create to Vector $40/v (per logo), Ink Color Change $40/v (per addtl color)

Freight Options: 3rd Party Shipper Fee $6.25/v (per order), Split Ship Fee $10/v (per addtl location), Palletization $35/v (per pallet)

Item Colors: Black & White (ball)

Material: Plastic

Imprint Areas: 1.50” W x 1.00” H (side 1), 1.50” W x 1.00” H (side 2)

Imprint Colors: Pink (pms 211), Red (pms 186), Burgundy (pms 202), Orange (pms 021), Yellow (pms 123), Green (pms 348), Teal (pms 3255), Blue (pms 300), Purple (pms 267), White

Units per Carton: 72pcs
Carton Weight: 61lbs
Carton Dimensions: 22" x 20" x 19"
Ships From: CA, 91746

Copyright © California Promos, LLC . All rights reserved.