#AMA103 / Adult Non-Medical Washable Masks (Two Side Opening)

Production Time: 1 Working Days
As low as $1.88 each

Order minimum: 12 pcs

Fabric: Varsity Poly/Spandex

Shell: 94% polyester/6% spandex

Lining: 94% Poly/6% Spandex - White Combo

100% cotton - Black/Oxford Combo

Dimensions: 8 (W) x 5.5 (H) x 10 (L)


Moisture wicking & anti-microbial

Soft handed cotton feel

Washable and Reusable

Adjustable at both knots for comfort to fit different face size

Functional opening design for filter inserting

Matched filters available (sold separately)

Filters are recommended for extra protection

Wash before first use

LEGAL DISCLAIMER: Thesemasks are for general public use only and are NOT intended for medical or healthcare workers, and should not be confused with N95 respirators or other personal protective equipment (PPE). No warranties, either express or implied, are being made that these face masks prevent infection or the transmission of viruses or diseases. These masks are not FDA approved.

Normal Production Time
1 Working Days

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